Open Material Transfer Agreement
What You Can Expect With OpenMTA
Materials available under the OpenMTA are free of any royalty or fees, other than appropriate and nominal fees for preparation and distribution.
Providers may request attribution and reporting for materials distributed under the OpenMTA.
Materials available under the OpenMTA may be modified or used to create new substances.
The OpenMTA does not restrict any party from selling or giving away the materials, either as received or as part of a collection or derivative work.
The OpenMTA supports the transfer of material between researchers at all types of institutions, including academic, industry, government and community laboratories.
How OpenMTA Works
Being a Part of OpenMTA Will:
✓ Support collaboration among researchers across institutional and international boundaries;
✓ Promote access to materials for researchers in less privileged institutions and world regions;
✓ Provide an avenue for researchers and their institutions to be credited for materials and data made openly available;
✓ Facilitate translation of biotechnologies into products and services that benefit all people and the planet.
How OpenMTA Helps:
Have Questions?
Click here for OpenMTA Frequently Asked Questions